Delivery Area Type ‘URN’ Customer Specific Delivery Days – If Ticked Make System Option Read Only and Greyed OutWhen navigating to the ‘Round Defaults’ system options, the ‘Customer Specific Delivery Days’ option can be turned on and off at will. This causes issues with setting the delivery_area.delivery_pattern_id based on the round.Delivery area types of ‘POSTCODE’ or ‘DEFINED’ don’t display the customer specific delivery days option from the round defaults system option form.
When navigating to the ‘Round Defaults’ system option, if the ‘Customer Specific Delivery Days’ option is enabled, the option is read only and greyed out.
Removing Franchisee Customer From Round Crashes AppRemoving franchisee customer from a round crashes the applicationThe user can successfully remove Franchise URNs from the round menu.
Disable Multi Round Reports: Print All Issues and Driver Load Sheet Reports Printing Only One RoundThe Print All Issues and Driver Load Sheet reports only prints the round the user selected from the main menu screen, even though the site menu was used to print the reports:The Print All Issues and Driver Load Sheet reports display the reports correctly with or without the ‘Enable Multi Round Reports’ option ticked.
Appstream: Preview Button Needs to be Removed Under Print All Issues and Driver Load Sheet ReportsAlthough the application under Appstream doesn’t let the user preview the print all issues and driver load sheet reports, the preview button becomes enabled when none of the rounds are selected.The preview button is no longer on the Print All Issues and Driver Load Sheet forms.
Appstream Environment: Product Group ‘Select Picture’ Button Displays File Explorer FormThe file explorer form displays which gives our clients access to the P drive.The product group form successfully saves images under any file type if the client has their images uploaded to the home folder under Appstream.
Sales Report – Products Weekly Breakdown Not Export File to Home Folder Under AppstreamThe ‘Export to Excel’ button shows the file has be saved to the Appstream home folder, but when i check, it isn’t there.The reports are now getting successfully exported to the home folder.
Banking Issue – Paid in by RoundsmanThe form’s Caption date displays 23/12/1899 and there are no choices for Collector either. The number 1 is in the box only.
All of the spin edit controls where user types the quantity of notes and coins etc. are disabled.
The Bank Deposit button is not enabled.
On selection of a round, this is an option to select a Collector.
All of the spin edit controls where user types the quantity of notes and coins etc. are now enabled.
The Bank Deposit button are enabled.
Payment Summary for a Round Broken for a Single Site InstallationClicking on a Collector’s record and then clicking the button Cheque List, listed all cheques for that round correctly. However, clicking on a Depot record (regardless of whether or not there are a number of cheques associated), the Cheque List displayed the same number of cheques as before which is incorrect.The cheque list record(s) under the Round – Balancing – Payment Summary are displayed correctly, and the ‘Cheque List’ button is only visible for collector records, not depot records.
Ad-Hoc InvoicesIn this grid, there are no Total NET, Total VAT and INVOICE TOTAL values at the bottom of the grid.By adding/ removing products and manually changing the unit price and VAT, the total figures get updated accordingly.
Allocate screen work required – Several issuesSelecting multiple payments and selecting ‘Another Customer’ shows payment record still highlighted when returning to the form.Payment and invoice records are no longer highlighted when leave and then returning to the form.