2021-06-25 –

Release Notes

Key features of Paragon release

TitleOverview Resolution
Standing Credits (Voucher) – Add new fields to Lookup TableA field created in the database.A lookup field to record standing credits when getting created.
Add New Table – Customer_voucherCreate a new table called ‘Customer_Voucher’ for the Repeating Payments feature.New table created and gets populated when repeating payments (Vouchers) have been created.
Make Vouchers a FeatureNew feature created in the ‘Feature Management’ option in ParagonDMS.New feature created in the ‘Feature Management’ option in ParagonDMS.
Increment Database Version number for Vouchers changesBased on creating the Repeating Payments feature, the database version has to be incremented.Database version incremented when starting up ParagonDMS for the first time on the latest version of
Add Form – Add Voucher to CustomerAdd a form that allows Repeating Payments to be assigned to customers.Allows repeating payments to be assigned to customers.
Add Form – Add/Edit VoucherGives the user the ability to add or edit repeating payments in the Repeating Payment form.Created a form to allow users to Add/Edit and view Vouchers. Expired vouchers are viewable read-only.
Add form – Customer/Voucher MaintenanceCreate a form that allows users to add repeating payments for a chosen site.The application allows the user to add a repeating payment under the select site only as expected.
Add repeating payments Maintenance to Main MenuMake the Repeating Payments maintenance menu visible on main menu.The Repeating Payments maintenance menu is only visible when the feature is enabled.
Add form – Repeating Payments MaintenanceRepeating Payments Maintenance form is added.The Company Repeating Payments Maintenance form displays all of the vouchers entered, edited and expired.
Repeating Payments: Start Date Greater Than End DateThe application was allowing repeating payments to have a start date greater than the end date.The application now prevents the users from creating repeating payments with start dates greater than end dates.
Add Repeating Payments to Customers Form: Make Value Column Consistent with Repeating Payments MaintenanceRepeating payments to customers form shows ‘Value’ column with no £ symbol.All of the repeating payments forms have the ‘Value’ columns with £ symbols next to the payment values.
Repeating Payments: New Scroll Bar on Voucher DropdownThe list of repeating payments form displays the new scroll bar.Updated the repeating payments form to show the old scroll bar.
Change Vouchers to a Different Voucher Doesn’t update Customer Repeating Payment ScreenChanging repeating payments doesn’t update customer repeating payments screen.Any changes made to a repeating payment updates the ‘Repeating Payments for Account’ screen and the site ‘Repeating Payments’ screen.
Repeating Payments: ‘Next Run Time’ Set to Today Instead of Repeating Payment First Day of WeekThe ‘Next Run Time’ option in the repeating payments System Options need to be defaulted to the first day of the week.Altered the code so the application starts the repeating payments process in the first day of the week.
Repeating Payments: Unable to Enter Start/ End Dates Via KeyboardEnter dates via keyboard prompt with warning message incorrectly.Correct the code to allow the user to enter the date in the date field via the keyboard. Once the user moves off of this field the validation checks to see if it’s valid or not.
Repeating Payments: Add logging to all relevant activityCreate logging in ParagonDMS database when the repeating payments event starts and finishes.The repeating payments event records if the repeating payment is on holiday, how much the payment costs and if it was generated on holiday.
Repeating Payments: Update ProcessRecords any payments that have been created for the current week and if they have been generated on holiday.Update process runs at the end of every week for payments that have been created for the current week.
Add Vouchers Feature to Customer Browse / Customers ToolbarsProvide a ‘Repeating Payments’ button on the customer browser screen.The ‘Repeating Payments’ button has been added to the customer browser screen. This allows users to assign payments to customers.
Lookup Table Maintenance showing Recurring PaymentsRepeating payments types are displaying in the lookup table maintenance screen and the repeating payment maintenance screen.The application now hides the repeating payment types in the lookup table maintenance screen as they are shown in the repeating payment maintenance screen instead.
New Scroll Bar on Import Data and Restore Data PromptsParagonDMS was showing the new scroll bar which is no longer required.Changed the scroll bar back to the traditional design.
Parked Credit Note: Remove Button Crashes AppApplication crashed when selecting ‘Remove’ button when no parked invoices were presentApplication no longer has the ‘Remove’ button present if there are no parked invoices to remove.
Unable to Edit or Delete First Driver and Handheld Maintenance EntriesAfter adding the first driver and handheld maintenance records, edit and delete buttons were cached so didn’t allow the user to edit or delete the records unless the user backs out of the screen and return to the screen.Edit and delete buttons visible when adding driver and handheld maintenance records.
Third Party Deliverers: Duplicate Entry Attempting to add third party deliverers that already exist causes the application to crash.Any changes made to a third party that already exists updates the existing record and prevents the application from crashing.
Email Invoices Semi Retail problemSetting email invoices in a subset emailed the invoices even though the customer doesn’t have an invoice.Prevented the application emailing invoices to customers that don’t have any invoices.
Direct Debit Payments not generatedMonthly Direct Debit: Batch Generated with Total Payments and Submitted Payments = 0.All payments are generated and awaiting submission.
Error when adding customer to subsetEnter customers email address and add them to the email invoices subset causes Paragon to crashThe application no longer crashes when adding customers to subsets.
Issue Date on Issues and Returns screen is showing 30/12/1899Issue Date on Issues and Returns screen is showing 30/12/1899When loading up the Issues & Returns screen from the round XX – Stock Control menus, the issue date represents the correct issue date.
Batch Receipts Total MissingTotal field missing in batch receipt screen.The totals field was added to the batch receipt screen and corrected some formatting issue.
Customers by pricing Scheme error – Customer Order MaintenanceApplication crashes on customers by pricing scheme.The application no longer errors and displays the selected customer.
Weekly Email to Group Accounts gets error ‘Unable to set Horizontal Alignment property of the Range classWeekly email button in group accounts reporting screen crashes.Fixed the application from crashing when selecting the weekly email button. Weekly emails get generated as expected.
Add ‘Only Customers with a Debit Balance’ option to Weekly Email invoicesWeekly email invoices requires ‘Only Customers with a Debit Balance’ option.Gave the weekly email invoices screen to ability to ‘Only Customers with a Debit Balance’.
Round Options – correct spellingTypo in ‘Use one URN to represent all Doorstep Customers’ option under round options menu.Corrected the typo in the round options menu.
Invoice Info – Cannot Set focus errorPrint statements from transaction history crashes application.Application prints the statements without errors.
Standing Payments Site name correctionSite name wording needed correcting.Corrected the site name.
UserAccessControl – query errorApplication crashed with incorrect SQL command.Corrected the SQL command for the application to run correctly.
Upgrade Paragon issue – Customer_history table incorrect number of fieldsRunning ParagonDMS crashed database schema error.Correct the table schema in order for the application to run successfully.
Amend Direct Debit File extract to match Client’s existing formatChange the direct debit file extract to client’s format.Changed the direct debit extract to match the client’s format.
Adding Third Party Deliverer gives MySQL ErrorError message when using THIRD PARTY DELIVERER USE CUSTOMER TYPE system option and then add third party deliverer.Application allows third party deliverers to be added when THIRD PARTY DELIVERER USE CUSTOMER TYPE system option is in use.
Transaction History Printout: Address Line not Formatted and Overflows PageTransaction history printout: Address line not formatted and overflows page.Changed the Transaction history printout to only show the account name and not the address line.
URN truncated on Stub Receipt printoutStub receipt printout isn’t including 7 digit URNs.Changed the stub receipt printout to include 7 digit URNs.
Company Loading Schedule: Unable to Run a ReportThe button for running the report is greyed out due to the clear button caching the results.The application no longer caches the functions on the company loading schedule
Change ‘Depot’ to ‘Company’Renamed all references of ‘Depot’ to ‘Company’ in ParagonDMS.Renamed all references of ‘Depot’ to ‘Company’ in ParagonDMS.
Invoice options – Add ‘Only Customers with Debit Balance’Invoice options – Add ‘Only Customers with Debit Balance’ for all invoice types.Added ‘Only Customers with Debit Balance’ option to all invoice types.
Roundsbook for round shows preview twiceAfter previewing the print preview screen and closing it, the report displays again.The roundsbook report no longer displays the report twice.
The Site selection on the Main Form isn’t workingSelecting a site from the dropdown list doesn’t filter rounds for the site.The application successfully filters the rounds for the selected site.
Driver Message additional Message type requiredProvide two message types when acknowledging a message on the Paragon handheld application.The driver exception now displays in a list which the driver can scroll down the message and press ‘OK’ once.
Release Note Page Should Display in ‘What’s New in this Version’ OptionAllow users access to the latest release notes by navigate to Help – What’s New in this Version…’The application displays the latest release notes and any previous versions on this web page.
Group Account Invoice ReportClient requested changes to the group account invoice report.Navigate to Company/Group Accounts/Reporting. Changed the column layout and added information to status bar at bottom of the screen in line with other screens within ParagonDMS.
Franchisee Invoice Sales Total Doubling upFranchisee invoices sales total doubling up on PDF preview screen.The franchisee invoices sales total no longer double up on the PDF preview report.
Order Change Screen not always showing or hiding Discount columnThe order changes screen isn’t showing or hiding the discount column.Doorstep customers can now see the discount column and semi-retail customers can’t in the order changes screen.