Release Notes

Print All Semi Retail Invoices for SiteIntroduce demi-retail invoices menu onto site menu.Semi-Retail invoices included in site menu.
Improve Handheld Session screen for MultisiteInclude site name in handheld session form when editing a handheld record.Site name included in handheld session form when editing a handheld record.
Creating New YourMOO Direct Registration: Yourmoo_registration.activated Not Updated to ‘1’Creating YourMOO Direct registration doesn’t update yourmoo_registration.activated field from ‘0′ to ‘1’.Creating YourMOO Direct registration updates yourmoo_registration.activated field.
End Day Round List showing all rounds for single site usersEnd Day form displays all rounds even when user is on a single site.If a user logs in for a single site and presses the ‘End Day’ button, only rounds from the selected site displays.
Issues and Returns Round selectorIssues & Returns form displays all rounds from all sites instead of just the rounds from the selected site.The round dropdown list displays all of the rounds based on the site that round is associated with when choosing one from the main menu and navigating to the issues & returns form.
Sales Ledger Debtors list is not Site specificSales ledger debtors list menu options display rounds from selected site if “SALES LEDGER SITE SPECIFIC” system_parameter is set ‘YES’.The debtors list reports display all account URNs and rounds under all sites from the SALES LEDGER SITE SPECIFIC option is not set and only account URNs from the selected site.
Sales Ledger – AgedDebt Reports -Make Site specificMake Aged Debtor report Site specific when the “SALES LEDGER SITE SPECIFIC” system_parameter is set ‘YES’.The aged debt reports display all account URNs and rounds under all sites from the SALES LEDGER SITE SPECIFIC option is not set and only account URNs from the selected site.
Customer Browser Round Dropdown has Rounds Duplicated on ListSelecting the round dropdown from the customer browser form shows some of the round codes twice or even three times.The customer browser round dropdown no longer displays duplicate round codes.
One Time Setup Error on Large Database UpgradeMake the following reports site specific when the “SALES LEDGER SITE SPECIFIC” system_parameter is set ‘YES’:
Allocate Payments / Credit Notes
All Transactions Report
Detailed Open Ledger Report
All sales ledger menus display all account URNs and rounds under all sites from the SALES LEDGER SITE SPECIFIC option is not set and only account URNs from the selected site.
Sales Ledger Menu – make reports Site specificMake the following reports site specific when the “SALES LEDGER SITE SPECIFIC” system_parameter is set ‘YES’:
Allocate Payments / Credit Notes
All Transactions Report
Detailed Open Ledger Report
The sales ledger menus described display all account URNs and rounds under all sites from the SALES LEDGER SITE SPECIFIC option is not set and only account URNs from the selected site.
Sales Ledger Menu – Barclays Bank ReportMake the Barclays Bank reports site specific when the “SALES LEDGER SITE SPECIFIC” system_parameter is set ‘YES’.The ‘Barclays Bank Report’ filters according to the system_parameter SALES LEDGER SITE SPECIFIC option , ‘YES’ only displays the single site, and ‘NO’ displays all sites.
Sales Ledger – Drill Down from Debtors list into Aged Debt for siteDrill Down from Debtors list into Aged Debt (site level).The drill down into account from the Debtors List (Monthly) and Debtors List (Weekly) forms, and the aged debt reports show the data based on site selected.
Site – Balance by Sector is not for SiteLooking at Balance by Sector report under a site and then changing site doesn’t update the Balance by Sector results.The Site – Balance by Sector report displays the correct site data based on the round selected from the main menu screen, if the user has access to all sites.
Move Customer(s) to Another Round: Check Delivery_Area.Delivery_Pattern on Destination RoundWhen moving customer(s) from one round to another that have more delivery days ticked than the destination round, ParagonDMS needs to check to see what the round.delivery_pattern_id is and stop the user from being able to move any customers.When moving customer(s) from one round to another that have more delivery days ticked than the destination round, ParagonDMS successfully displays the warning to prevent the move from happening.
CREATE USER problem on AuroraUnable to create a new user when using a new database instance.Adding new super user and default users can login successfully.
Allocation of Payment OrphanedPrevent users from removing invoice if a allocation is assigned.Payments that have been allocated to an invoice can no longer remove the payment from the Allocate Payments/ Credit Notes form.
Round Balancing -> Round Balance crashesNavigate to Round Balancing – Round Balance crashes app.The SQL statement to retrieve the results was missing the site_name field. This has been included and now displays the form.
CMS Bridge CUSTNO > 999The CMS bridge system cannot cope with CUSTNO records that are > 999.The CMS bridge system can now copy with any CUSTNO.
Virtue StartDeliveryRound RoundCode on two Sites not handledVirtue is failing to send the right round down to the handheld because the virtue statement is looking at round code instead of round id.Virtue now successfully sends the right round to the handheld based on statement retrieving the right round id.
Paid In By Roundsman can save to wrong RoundCodeThe Paid in By Roundsman form saves records to the round code from a different site.Saving and editing Paid in By Roundsman records are based on the round_id and site_id the round is assigned to.
Round.delivery_days still being usedChanged SQL statements so round.delivery_days are being used.The following areas of ParagonDMS use the correct round.delivery_days:
Round options
Customer screen
Delivery notes
YourMOO order changes report
Multi round end week