Release Notes

Handheld Download Reorganisation In Progress ProblemHandheld downloads shouldn’t be disabled for the day of the reorganisation.The handheld download is allowed on the day of the reorganisation but disabled downloading a handheld if the deliveries are after the reorganisation date.
Reorganisations: Delivery Pattern Change Move Updates Service_Command.Status = ‘8’ (Failed)When creating delivery pattern change moves and running the REORGANISATIONCMS & REORGANISATION processes, the REORGANISATION service_command.status = ‘8’.Delivery Pattern Change moves get updated from status ‘1′ to ‘2’ under the REORGANISATIONSCMS process, and then updates status ‘2’ to ‘7’ under the REORGANISATIONS process.
Reorg – add Shell_change_log information for each of the movesAdd shell_log records for each type of reorg moveCreate shell_log record describing each reorg type.
Add card_on_file column to customer tabledd card_on_file VARCHAR(40) to the customer table. It is used to store the Stripe paymentMethodId of a pre-authorised credit/debit card.The ‘card_on_file’ filed in the customer table is created from launching ParagonDMS whilst using YourMOO Direct.
AppStream Environment: Sage Export needs to workWhen navigating to Company → Export → Export Data for Sage Accounts under Appstream, the files are not getting exported to the home folder.The sage export options downloads the excel files to the Appstream home folder as expected. This has been tested with or without the SAI SAGE FOLDER system_parameter record.
Order quantity issue when entering quantities > 1000Adding product quantities that have 4 or more digits doesn’t display on the order changes screen.The order changes screen successfully displays product quantities with 5 digits max.
Santander Corporate BACS importerEnsure Santander Corporate file format can be imported into ParagonDMS.Santander Corporate file gets imported based on the file format and populates bank_statement_batch and bank_statement_detail records.