BACS payments not fully processedBACS file fails when importing illegal characters (–)Bank types of Santander and Santander Corporate import with or without illegal characters now.
Create local pdf viewing in AppstreamIn Email Outbox → Email Viewer → viewing attachments, add facility to view and email pdf attachment in a paragon form.Viewing PDF attachments from the email outbox form under all status tabs (‘Pending’ ‘Failed’, Sent’ & ‘Removed’), views the PDF document in a preview screen within Appstream.
Appstream Environment: PODFatherEnable PODFather functionality to work under Appstream.PODFather Integration functionality still works under Appstream and saves the csv files in the HOME folder.
Change Postal Order to Sundry PaymentChange postal order payment type to sundry under the export option in system options form. The ‘Sundry Payment’ payment method display correctly under the additional forms.
Typing Site Name in Handheld Maintenance Form Allows Rounds Assigned to Different SiteThe site combobox allows the site name to be typed in, which allows rounds that were assigned to to have a different site associated with it.Adding or editing rounds on the handheld maintenance form successfully displays the correct rounds from the selected site, and if the site has changed, the selected rounds have been removed from the list.
PDF viewer – Appstream – Additional workShow a message to user to inform when the pdf file is not found or cannot be displayed.

Only show pdf viewer for pdf files.

Set a caption in the pdf viewer (ie ‘Preview Email Attachment’).

Use the pdf viewer in showpdf function when in Appstream (this function is not currently used, so nothing to test).
The PDF viewer successfully meet the additional changes.
Waiting for Registration screen UXRegistering YourMOO customers should focus next record in the list.The waiting for activation form highlights the next registration on the list. However, using the ‘Manually Confirm’ button does a resequence on the registration records, because the stage has changed from 1 to 2, and the top record is now highlighted in the grid.
Allocate screen is flakyAllocate payment/ credit notes form highlights payment records even though they’re not selected for payment.Payment order invoice record are no longer displaying the record as being highlighted when it has been cleared for selection.
Virtue – eFoods xml – change incoming fieldsChange EFoods XML fields so ‘Prodno’ = ‘Supplier Assigned’ and ‘Delivery Point’ = ‘Seller Assigned’The XML field changes have taken place.
Commission Report Dates IssueChanging week ending date in Commission report doesn’t update values.The commission report displays the figures based on historic or current week ending date selected.
Payment Summary by Day figures not correct from Site menu option.Payment Summary by Day figures not correct from Site menu option.The payment summary form and ‘Summary by Day’ option shows the figures based on the site selected.
Direct debit customers: If an attempt is made to change the invoice frequency a message “This payment plan is not a status of cancelled and cannot be reinstated” is displayed.Unticking ‘Paying by Direct Debit’ option and pressing ‘No’ are wanting to confirm the changes, displays warning message in a loop.Unticking a ‘Paying in by Direct Debit’ option and pressing ‘No’ on warning message no longer gets stuck in a loop.
Investigate – Transaction History for Group Account printing all delivery point invoicesViewing the transaction history for a Group Account instead of printing 1 invoice for the whole group account is printing every invoice for all of the URNs on that group account instead.The group account invoice is being printing instead of all URNs.