YourMOO Direct Conversion Process: Exclude YOURMOO PRODUCT SPECIFIC DELIVERY DAYS system_parameter RecordExclude YOURMOO PRODUCT SPECIFIC DELIVERY DAYS record from YourMOO Direct conversion process.The YOURMOO PRODUCT SPECIFIC DELIVERY DAYS system parameter record no longer gets converted to the ParagonDMS database anymore.
Appstream Environment: Saving Product Images Under Product Form Crashes AppIf the user attempt to save a product under a new or existing product from the product maintenance form, an error message occursThe product maintenance form successfully saves images from the add and edit forms. The user can remove images from the edit form as well.
YourMOO Direct: No Results Printed From Stripe Transaction ReportThe stripe transaction report doesn’t show the results from the stripe transaction form.The stripe transaction report successfully displays the records in the stripe transaction report under Appstream.
Appstream Environment: Selecting YourMOO System Option Default Picture Displays Windows File ExplorerNavigating to Tools – System Option – YourMOO, selecting the ‘Images’ tab and then the ‘Select Picture’ button displays the Windows Explorer form.The Appstream file explorer form displays with a list of images from the home folder.
Allocate screen work required – Several issuesAdding a payment for a semi-retail customer and then closing the ‘Allocate Payment/ Credit Notes’ form crashes app.Adding payments and going into and out of the ‘Allocate Payment/ Credit Notes’ form no longer crashes the app.
Appstream Environment: Adding Products Crashes AppAdding a product and selecting ‘Add Picture’ button crashes app under Appstream.The user can save and overwrite images as expected.
Printing ‘Print All Issues Report’ And Return to Main Menu Changes Round SelectedThe round that was selected from the main menu screen has been changed to a different round code that is ascending in the main menu screen.The round code is still selected after printing or viewing another form and returning to the main menu.
Franchisee Invoices: Able to Search Franchisee URNs Assigned to Different SiteThe franchisee invoices menu shouldn’t allow franchisee URNs to be searched if they are associated to a different round that was chosen from the site menu.Only franchisees under the select site from the main menu can be visible in the search.
Round – Balancing – Payment Summary Showing Roundsman Details Under Different Round CodeThe round level paid in by roundsman form displays incorrect round code and information.The ‘Paid in By Roundsman’ form displays the right round code based on the round selected from the main menu.
If PRODUCT SPECIFIC DELIVERY DAYS = NO Hide Delivery Days From Add New Product & Modify Product FormsWhen connecting to the database, setting the PRODUCT SPECIFIC DELIVERY DAYS = ‘NO and login to ParagonDMS, the ‘Add New Product’ & ‘Modify Product’ forms displays the delivery days which are editable.The product specific delivery days displays under the product maintenance form when the system_parameter record = ‘YES’, and YourMOO Direct product specific delivery days are references when adding products to orders for customers. The product maintenance form doesn’t display the days when set to ‘NO’, and the delivery days are referenced by the company ‘DELIVERY DAYS’ system_parameter record.
Entering in Cheque Details Crashes AppEntering cheque details and pressing the tab key causes the application to crash.The cheque details no longer crashes when entering in half the details and pressing the tab button.
Delivery Patterns – Order Form – Doesn’t work for different End Week daysThe orders screen does not allow orders for Saturday for Week types with end week days other than Saturday.The order changes form displays the right sequence of delivery days based on the client’s WEEK TYPE system parameter record. Also, the user can enter quantities for current week, future week and standing orders.