New System Installation Cannot AbortClosing the ‘Initial Registration’ screen shouldn’t create a new database and ini file.The ‘Initial Registration’ form closes successfully and doesn’t create the PDMS0 or ParagonDMS.ini file.
New System Installation Form Displays Status Bar in Incorrect LocationThe status bar Initial Registration’ form is not in the correct place.The status bar displays in the correct place.
Paid in By Roundsman- Entering ‘-‘ Under Editable Field Crashes AppEntering a (–) character in editable fields under the Paid in By Roundsman form crashes the app.The ‘Paid in By Roundsman’ form (Under site or round level) successfully saves and edits fields for negative amounts, as expected.
Paid in by Round allocating payments to the wrong (for v2.80.39.12 and hot fix v2.80.39.10a)If you have rounds of the same roundcode at different sites, when you enter a Paid in by Roundsman on the round with the higher value through Round – Balancing – Payment Summary – Paid in by Roundsman, the payment is allocated to the round with the lower value.The 3 issues raised work under the hotfix.
Paid in By Roundsman figures displaying for a roundcode on a different site.
Payments received figures displaying for a roundcode on a different site.
Change customer type displayed warning message about pricing scheme.
Appstream Environment: Removing Default Image Crashes AppRemoving Default YourMOO Image Crashes Application.ParagonDMS no longer crashes when attempting to remove the image under the product group add/ edit forms.
Alpha Rounds Added: Assign Any Round to a Handheld Crashes AppIf a user adds a round and specifies the round code as an alpha character and then attempts to assign any round to a handheld under the handheld maintenance form, the application crashes.ParagonDMS successfully allows the user to assign numeric and alphanumeric rounds to a handheld under the add or edit handheld maintenance forms.
Removing a Direct Debit mandate needs to be more careful setting the End DateRemoved a mandate from a URN and the direct_debit.end_date was set to current date. Unfortunately a submission was done later on the same day and the URN is still included.
Need to think about removing a mandate after a submission, as that needs to be handled correctly as the end date should be the current date.
When unticking a customers Direct Debit checkbox, Paragon first checks to see if a direct debit submission has been made that day (ie today). If one has been made, then the direct debit end_date is set to today, otherwise, it is set to yesterday (to prevent any further submissions for this direct debit)
Stock Site Overview Historic position brokenRemove date from date / time combobox.The stock overview form only displays the time component. The stock figures do get update once the user has pressed the ‘Refresh’ button.
The functionality works when printing the print options in this form, and balancing the stock.
Paid in By Roundsman Edit Form Shouldn’t be Displaying If No Payments Entered For SiteWhen selecting a round under a site that hasn’t done any payments and navigating to Site – Receipts – Paid in By Roundsman, the ‘Edit’ button is displayed which can be selected.The ‘Edit’ button should be greyed out and disabled.
Initial entry into System Options problemWhen you have created a new system and work through the System Options, there is a crash “Invalid Date” on the Value Adjustments page.The new system installation and existing client dataset successfully add the ‘Savings Target Week’ if one doesn’t exist without crashing.
Invoice Generation Screen Not Showing & In Round NamesInvoice Generation menu not displaying.Based on the system_parameter records enabled, the Invoice Generation screen will display at either company or site level.
YourMOO Direct: Adding Product & System Option YourMOO Default Images Doesn’t Appear in YourMOO DirectWhen adding product or system option YourMOO default images under the product and system option YourMOO forms under Appstream, the application crashes.The product maintenance, product group maintenance and system option YourMOO forms successfully save and stores the image under Appstream.
ESOP Order Entry: Double Click on Order Day CrashesThe ‘Orders for URN’ form is displaying the status bar in the wrong place.The status bar has been moved to the correct position.
Product Maintenance ‘Prices’ Option: Adding Existing Future Price Dates Duplicates Future Price Columns in FormThe user can add future price date that already exist in the form.ParagonDMS successfully prevents users from adding the same future price date that already exists in the ‘Prices’ form. Also, the application successfully adds future dates that are in the middle of future dates, for example if a user adds future date 08/12 when dates 01/12 – 16/12 already exist.
Allocate Payment / Credit Notes: Could not Convert Variant of Type (Null) into Type (Currency)Attempting to apart allocate an amount of zero crashes the application.Attempting to allocate a payment with zero amount no longer crashes the application or allocates any payment to this invoice, as expected.
Remove Payment on Transaction History goes to top of gridTransaction History, remove a payment should highlight the next row below, or if last transaction the one above.Removing a payment anywhere from the transaction history grid moves to the next record in the grid.
Email All Invoices – Remove Collector ReferenceRemove the collector reference for all Email Invoice options in Company menu.The collector reference has been removed from all email invoice forms at the company menu.
Access Violation When Attempting To Print Product GroupsNavigating to Company – Product Maintenance – Product Groups – Print crashes application.Printing product groups no longer crashes and displays the product group report.
AppStream – OpenSaveDialog – Incorrectly adds extension to csv / xlsx files in Filename EditAppStream – OpenSaveDialog – Incorrectly adds extension to csv / xlsx files in Filename Edit
Work required: Check the filename is correct (using FileExists) before applying a new extension to it
The open/save dialog functionality successfully uses the correct file extension when selecting a filename based on it’s type.
Paid in by Roundsman Showing Wrong AmountsAmounts paid in by the driver are doubled up.Making any payments from the driver display the correct amounts.
Corrections to the E-Foods Invoice XMLMake changes to EFoods XML file format.EFoods XML file format changes have been changed to meet the clients requirements.
PDMS – add ‘Do not Show Payments’ and ‘Show Contact Details’ options in Paragon for HandheldIntroduce new system_parameter records (HH PAYMENTS & HH SHOW CONTACT DETAILS to operate on the handheld devices.When toggling the system options – handhelds options, the JSON file reflex that from the system_parameter table and is either displaying or hidden on the handheld device.
YourMOO Direct Next Delivery DateAdvance next delivery date when using YourMOO Direct.Created a new service_command to advance the next delivery date when upgrading YourMOO clients to YourMOO Direct.
Queries using invoice.delivery_urn as a key can be very slowRunning round end weeks for MySQL version 5.7 runs very slowly.The end of day, round and company end of week for single site and multi sites end the week successfully under a respectable time frame.
Allocate Payments to Invoice(s) Refreshes Grid and Makes A NoiseAllocating payments to invoices refreshes the form every time and make a noise to imply the action has been refused.The Allocate Payment/ Credit Notes form no longer refreshes the whole form, with the screen closing and reopening, but does make a warning message noise.
Investigate printing more than one copySystem_parameter REPORT DELNOTE NO OF COPIES = 2 isn’t printing delivery notes with 2 copies.The delivery note prints 2 copies per delivery note as expected when using system_parameter REPORT DELNOTE NO OF COPIES = 2.
Allocate Payment / Credit Note Form: Clear Payments Doesn’t Deselect All Payment RecordsThe payment records are not getting deselected when pressing the ‘Clear’ button.Clearing payments or invoices from the ‘Allocate Payment/ Credit Notes’ form get deselected.
Paynes Print Semi-Retail Invoices taking several hoursRunning Depot > Printouts > All Semi Retail Invoices > Print Invoices. The window reports ‘Not Responding’ and can take a couple of hours to produce the documents.The SQL query has been refined and runs in a more efficient time frame.
Incorrect Start date for Price SchemeAreas found where incorrect price scheme date would have been entered:
Prices By Pricing Scheme
Prices By Product
Customer → orders → discount
Price_Scheme_History Table (Common Prices) – Saving Price_Scheme_History records
When a product is created the price.start_date field was always the date from the first day of the week, for the relevant WeekType.
Site – Paid in By Roundsman Shouldn’t Add Records If No Rounds Have Made PaymentsAttempting to add paid in by roundsman records when the rounds under a site haven’t made any payments causes the form to add a record but not display in the form, and then displays a warning message.The warning message no longer displays stating ‘The Round/ Collector already has an entry’.
Paid in by Roundsman – Bank Deposit needs to create a collected_payment recordIf a Bank Deposit is made from the Paid in by Roundsman screen but there is no current collected_payment record, we need to create that collected_payment record and then Save the Bank Deposit details.Creating a bank deposit record correct save the details in the collect_payment table.
Paid in by Roundsman – Bank Deposit 2nd payment needs to post SiteID to recordCurrently when creating a 2nd or any subsequent Bank Deposit record from the Paid in by Roundsman screen, the SiteID does not get posted to the banking record.The software has been changed to include the site_id when creating multiple bank deposit records.
Paid in by Roundsman – Single Site from Company Menu option CrashesWhen a single site client runs Company → Receipts → Paid in by Roundsman and then clicks on the Add button, the following message appears and crashes the application.The software no longer crashes and displays the ‘Paid in By Roundsman’ form.