Attempting to Allocate Zero Amount Causes Future Payments to Be Left AllocatedPart allocating payments to invoices prevented the user from allocating any other payments to invoices.The part allocate and full allocate buttons update the payment and invoice amounts as expected, and allocates the payment/ credit records against the invoice under the transaction history form.
Remove Invoice From Transaction History Crashes AppThe invoice/ payment records should be removed and focus on the next record in the transaction history grid. If the invoice record was at the bottom of the grid, focus on the next row above the invoice record.Removing invoices/ payments from the bottom of the grid list moves the cursor to the next record above on the list. Removing invoices/ payments from the top or middle of the list moves the cursor to the next record in the list, as expected.
Add customer does not check for multiple instances of the postcode in the pdam tableAdding customers causes multiple instances of the postcode_delivery_area_member table.Adding customers only creating one instance of the postcode_delivery_area_member table.
Company / Site End of Week “problem” UI is not very clearChange company/ site end of week form description.The text to the ‘End of Week Processing’ form has changed as follows:
Change “Depot End of Week” to “Site End of Week”
Enter new text at the bottom of the form stating “Looks like you are trying to run this procedure too early and you have not done all of your Round End of Weeks first.”
Remove “Contact Dairydata”
Adding new postcodes during customer creation process duplicates postcode_delivery_area_member recordsWhen creating a new customer on a round to which the postcode is not assigned, not only is a new PDAM record created to link the postcode to the new round but the pre-existing PDAM record is duplicated.When adding a new customer, the postcode and postcode_delivery_area_member records are not created.
Allocate Payments/ Credit Notes: Change ‘Total Unallocated Amounts’ to ‘Total Unallocated Payments/ Credit Notes’The sales ledger form needs the ‘Total Unallocated Amounts’ column renamed to ‘Total Unallocated Payments/ Credit Notes’, so it’s consistent with the title of the form.The Allocate Payments/ Credit Notes form has had it’s ‘Total Unallocated Amounts’ column renamed to ‘Total Unallocated Payments/ Credit Notes’.
Able to Add Blank Product Groups DescriptionParagonDMS should prevent the product group description as a blank entry.The product description is a mandatory field now and prevents the user from adding a blank product group description.
Round Maintenance Option Have Old Scroll BarThe ‘Move Customer(s) to Another Round’ forms need the classic scroll bar.The ‘Move Customer(s) to Another Round’ form have the classic scroll bar as requested.
EDI Invoicing for Enterprise FoodsCreate new EDI submission for ‘Enterprise Foods’.The EDI Submission under the ‘Enterprise Foods’ group account exports the content, as described in this Jira to a CSV file with the correct format, and emails the recipient(s) of the invoice(s).
Add ENTERPRISE FOODS EDI Type in Group Account FormThe EDI type ‘ENTERPRISE FOODS’ record isn’t available under the group account form.The ‘Enterprise Foods’ edi type has been added now, which no longer causes ParagonDMS to crash when attempting to add a group account email address.
Calendar Monthly Deliveries Option Crashes AppWhen navigating to Company – Reports – Deliveries – Calendar Monthly Deliveries… options from the main menu, the application crashes.The Calendar Monthly Deliveries report is no longer crashing with the temp table and displays the report.
Clearing Saving Target Week Date Crashes AppClearing the saving target week date crashes app.The ‘Clear’ button has been removed from the calendar, so the application no longer crashes. Also, removing the date from the dropdown resets the date to its original value when closing this form.
ParagonDMS: MYSQL Error Code: 1052Loading the third party deliverers form and running a report crashes the app.When enabling the third party deliverers feature and opening the form and printing reports, ParagonDMS no longer crashes.
Able to Add Stop/Restart Holidays With Overlapping DatesThe application allows stop/restart records with overlapping datesParagonDMS now prevents the user from saving records if existing holiday records overlap with this date range.
Invoice: Clients able to changes Daily to Monthly invoice in middle of a month, causing blank invoices to be printed.Clients able to changes Daily to Monthly invoice in middle of a month, causing blank invoices to be printed.When changing a customer’s invoice frequency from daily or weekly to monthly, if the user hasn’t completed their last week ending date of the month, a warning message appear and prevent the user from changing it. Change from monthly to weekly/ fortnightly or four weekly will allow the changes.
Maintenance Screen to Allocate Postcodes to Delivery AreasAdding a form to allocated postcodes to delivery areas.The Link Postcode to Delivery Area form lets the user allocate existing postcodes to delivery areas.
PDF Viewer – Add Ability to Zoom In/OutAdded two buttons to allow user to zoom in and out when previewing the pdf files in Appstream.The pdf viewer has the zoom in and out capabilities when selecting attachments via the email outbox menu.