Direct Debit First Invoice DateYou can change the date and then click save and it will display an error as an invalid date is used but once you ok the error you can then click the save button and it will still save with the invalid date.Fixed the ability to now allow you to change the date and click save without receiving an error message.
Paid in By RoundsmanPaid in by roundsman screen was allowing an invalid date which was causing issues.Paid in date/time column was added so the user can log when this was adjusted to prevent an invalid date.
Round BalanceAfter a customer has moved rounds, their round balance is not showing on the new round.Ensured that once a customer has moved round their balance now shows on the new round.
Incorrect QuantitiesWeekly Extract providing incorrectly signed quantities for weekly ad-hoc credit notesThe weekly extract now includes the weekly ad-hoc credit notes which therefore displays the correct values for the weekly extract.
On holiday customersOrder Changes screen allows entry of order quantities for days the customer is on holidayIf you set holiday dates on a customer the Order Changes screen it now prevents you entering order quantities in those days.
Adding YourMOO CustomerError displays when adding a new customer and ticking delivery days.Corrected the process of when entering a new customer with delivery days to not have the error which prevented from users to be put into the system.
Management ReportProvide Management Report on Company Menu for single site clientsMoved the management report from the site menu to the company menu so clients that do not have multiple sites can use the report.
All-in-one roundsbookWhen printing the Linear Roundsbook for a single day, it is possible to select ‘Deliveries Only’ which then only lists customers with an order for that day.Adjusted the roundsbook to be able to cope with deliveries only within the new all in one print.
Final InvoiceFinal Invoice can be generated for All Customers, when a combination of settings was toggled by accident this was allowed to happen.Removed the final invoice button from the invoice selections once all customers are ticked.
SAGE Payment exports errorWhen trying to export the Site Payments to sage, the export crashes with the below error.The report was crashing due to mis-reporting of the customers site within the sage export which has now been adjusted.
Confirmation ButtonAdd confirmation buttons in customer order form for the Send Statements / Send Invoices buttonsConfirmation button added to prevent accidently pressing sends invoices button on order screen.
Site Specific GraphicsInvoice Header Graphics Site Specific not working correctlyThe fix is in place when printing from the site menu