Export data from MRS

Under certain circumstances it is possible to export Customer and Standing Order information from a MRS system and use this as the starting point for a new Paragon system.

There are a number of Caveats and this process can be problematic, but these are the steps to get the data out of MRS so that the Dairydata team can check that it can be imported.

From the main MRS screen click the “Print All Rounds” button. Then ensure the “List to Screen” option is selected.

To get the file of Customers:

Click on the “Other Lists” menu and select “Text Output” and “Export 1”, click the “Save to File” button and then choose a folder on your PC where you will be able to located the resulting csv file.

To get the file of Standing Orders, which gives products in use and customer specific prices / discounts:

Follow the same sequence as above but choose “Export 2” instead. On the dialog that appears ensure that “Include All” and “Exclude None” are selected. Then again click the “Save to File” button.

You can then send the two files to support@dairydata.net for testing.

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