Computer specification

This article is applicable for a single user installation where there is one computer being used for the database and application.

The Paragon system is currently a Windows 32 bit application and therefore needs a desktop or laptop computer running a Microsoft Windows operating system. Windows 10 or above. It cannot be used on any Apple devices.

Although Paragon will run on a PC that has the minimum specification for its operating system we recommend using a PC that costs at least £400 as this tends to be a better specification which gives overall a better user experience.

If the installation will be using handheld devices or synchronizing with our online (YourMOO) system then a desktop PC that stays in one physical location and has a hardwired connection to the router and therefore internet is essential. With YourMOO this machine needs to be always on 24/7 and should not go to sleep.

Life cycle. Although modern hardware is now very very resilient and should last longer, our advice is to regularly  replace a business critical computer every five years. Planned migrations are much better than disruption caused by hard disk failure.

Backup. It is essential to have a plan (which is followed) to ensure a copy of business critical information is physically taken of the computer and ideally off site each week. During installation we will work with you to ensure the Paragon database is backed up, for disaster recovery.

Internet. We will only install and support the Paragon system at a location that has a working broadband connection. Speed is not that important for support, but YourMOO does needs a good connection and sufficient bandwidth for the expected number of online accounts.

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