Release Notes

Appstream Environment: Print Debtors List and Aged Debt Data Displays Print Preview ScreenPrinting Debtors List report in Appstream displays print preview screen instead of PDF print preview under a new webpage tab.Printing Debtors List report displays the PDF print preview webpage tab.
Appstream Environment: Cash Customer BalancesCash customer balance report needs to display PDF print preview under a new webpage tab.Cash customer balance report displays PDF print preview under a new webpage tab.
Upload Online invoices problemAttempting to upload online invoices crashes because there is an invalid column name in the statement.Adjusted the statement to correct the invalid column name. This allowed the online invoices to run successfully.
Virtue multi service cope with exe folderWhen running multiple copies of Virtue it seems that they all have to reside in the same BASE folder.
This does not need to be the case for instances that are only handling handheld comms.
So if multi service are in use the exe_folder should be used as an override for the SystemFolder.
Virtue can have multiple exe files running per handheld event.
Appstream Environment: Print Invoices should not PreviewAll invoices from company, site and round shouldn’t display print preview form and print the reports.All invoices display the print report under a new tab, as expected and doesn’t use the built in Paragon print preview form any more.
Site Print All Issue Reports: ‘Disable Multi Round Report’ Doesn’t Show Report Results‘Print All Issue Report’ doesn’t show the report with the figures for the round selectedThe date selection now displays when the ‘Enable Multi-Round Reports’ option was not ticked.
Print All Issues and Print Driver Load Sheet Reports Has No Screen to Select Any DatePrint All Issues and Print Driver Load Sheet reports print automatically without giving the user the option to choose a date they want to print. If the user went to the round issue & returns screen, they could print the driver load sheet for a particular day of the current week.The date selection now displays when the ‘Enable Multi-Round Reports’ option was not ticked.
Import DPOS price check VAT being handledImporting DPOS prices excludes VAT.The import routine includes the VAT.
Import DPOS SO check start dates are not in the futureThe import routine set the start_dates to the future.The dates are correct after bring the rounds online.
Import New Depot WorkImporting routine for the rounds are not being created for the new site_id.Rounds are being created for a new site_id.
Appstream: Print Form Shouldn’t Display under Site Menu “Print All Issues Report’‘Print All Issues Report’ under AppStream neither of these reports actually print. The built in FastReport print dialog is displayed but nothing prints.The FastReport Prepare was missing.
Reorganisations – Add customer_history and movement_history records when changing roundWhen customers are moving as part of the reorganisation, add customer_history and update movement_history records for support purposes.customer moves and delivery area moves, the movement_history table updated the existing URNs that were affected in the reorganisation with the date of the to_weekending, and created new records to show which round these URNs have now moved to.
Also, the customer_history created the record to state there round_id and delivery_area_id the URNs were on prior to the reorganisation.
Balance Sheet by Sector (by sites) reportMissing Franchisees from Balance Sheet by Sector Report.Balance by Sector site report displays all sectors (Including the Franchisee sector) and can select history week ending dates to see the sector figures.