Attempting to Allocate Zero Amount Causes Future Payments to Be Left AllocatedChange request for a specific client.Allow DELIVERY AREA TYPE ‘URN’ to move customers orders to a new delivery_area.delivery_pattern_id.
Remove Product Group With Images Crashes ParagonDMSParagonDMS crashes when attempting to remove a product group that has an image assigned and has been moved to a new sequence.The product group can be successfully removed if there is an image assigned to it.
Print Pricing Scheme needs ReportTitle on Printer QueuePrint Pricing Scheme needs ReportTitle on Printer QueueThe report filename under the printer queue now displays the name of the report (Pricing scheme).
Semi-Retail Invoice Displays Too Much GreyWhen printing or emailing semi-retail invoices, the promotional message displays too much background colour.Only the promotional message displays in light grey across previewing, printing and email semi-retail invoices under company, site and round level.
Calendar Monthly Deliveries Report CrashesWhen navigating to the Calendar Monthly Deliveries form, the application crashes with the creation of the temporary table being too long.The temporary table for the calendar monthly deliveries form has successfully been shorten to temp_calmthdelrpt_sessionXXXXXX_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS and displays the form.
Group Account Receipts: Type for a Group Account Name Crashes AppSearching a group account under the group account receipts form crashes the app.The group account receipts combobox successfully searches for the group accounts and displays the list of URNs in the form.
ParagonDMS Crashes When Removing and Re-assigning to a New Group AccountWhen unassigning and then re-assigning a new group account the application crashes.When removing and assigning a new group account, the start/ end date validation message appears and no longer crashes the application. The group account is successfully assigned to the customer.
Android Export Missing Payment RecordsVirtue should send the payment records via the json file for all via_id (0, 1, 2, 3).The JSON file has the ‘via_id’ field populated under the payment record and per method (0, 1, 2, 3).
Maintain Product Analysis CodesAdd new maintenance form called Product Analysis Codes.The product analysis codes form is allows the user to add/ edit and delete product analysis codes from the company – Maintenance – Product Analysis Codes path.
Create Add/Edit Analysis Code form for all Analysis Code typesAllow all analysis code types (Customer and Product) to add/ edit the records.All analysis codes (Customer and Product) form alls the user to add/ edit and delete the records under the Company – Maintenance path.
Product & Customer Analysis: Adding Records Should Have ‘Display’ Ticked by DefaultWhen adding a product or customer analysis code, the ‘Display’ option is ticked by default.Add any analysis code type (Customer or Product) has the ‘Display’ option ticked by default.
Adding Product Analysis Code With An Apostrophe Crashes AppWhen adding an apostrophe in for a product or customer analysis codes, ParagonDMS crashes.Adding an apostrophe in the description field no longer crashes the app.
Assign Product Analysis CodesAdd functionality to assign product analysis codes to products.The user can assign product analysis codes to a product. This includes assigning the same analysis code twice, as detailed in the documentation.
Receipts Promotional Message brokenPromotional message receipt not displaying full message on report.The full message displays on the promotional message receipt report.
Assign Customer Analysis CodesNew functionality to assign and unassign analysis codes from the add/ edit customer form.The analysis codes can be assigned and unassigned to customers under the ‘Other’ tab.
Maintain Customer Analysis CodesCreated a new form to allow user to maintain Customer Analysis Codes.
This is accessed from the main menu – Company – Maintenance – Analysis Codes
The user can add/ edit and delete customer analysis code records from the customer analysis code form.
Driver Maintenance crashes Paragon if no driver image foundParagon crashes with an error when viewing a driver that has a driver image assigned to them but it can’t find the actual image file to display.The modify driver message form no longer crashes with image file cannot be found.
Supplier Maintenance OptionAdd a supplier maintenance form for the user to add/ edit and delete supplier records.The supplier maintenance form successfully adds/ edits and deletes supplier records.
Remove ‘Blank’ Button From Add/ Edit Product Maintenance FormRemove the ‘Blank’ button from the add and edit product maintenance forms.The ‘Blank’ button has been removed from the add and edit product maintenance forms.
Morton’s specific code also needed for CreamlineInclude Creamline in DELIVERY AREA TYPE ‘DEFINED’.Morton’s upgrade procedure remains the same, including their custom reports. Creamline is included in upgrading to DELIVERY AREA TYPE ‘DEFINED’.
New Handheld Option Show PricesNew system option ‘Handheld Show Prices on Delivery Screen’ to be added to Paragon so that this can be switched on and off for other clients. This should update a new parameter named “HH SHOW PRICES”.The HH SHOW PRICES system_parameter record is created when enabling the ‘Show Prices on Delivery Screen’ system option and send down the system_parameter via virtue to the handheld. This means the prices per product appear on the handheld.
When this system_paramter option has been disabled, the prices per product are not visible on the handheld.
Payments Report: Printed Report not Printed in Selected OrderHave the facility to sort and print by round ascending/ descending under the payment received form and report.The payments received form and printed reports can be sorted by date and round by ascending or descending order.
Add ‘customer.import_reference’ to the Customer Browser SearchA new ‘Import Reference’ criterion will be added to this list. When selected, and a search item entered, the customer.import_reference will be filtered for any customer containing the search string.The ‘Search Import Reference’ option successfully filters the list of customer(s) based on the data in the customer.import_reference field.
New Order function not Available for ESOP CustomersWhen deliveries have been made, it is no longer possible to use the ‘New Order’ button on customers on ESOP rounds.The ‘New Order’ buttons under the ‘Orders/Deliveries’ and ‘Orders for URN’ forms will only display when the user has pressed the ‘Generate Orders’ button. The buttons are now highlighted and enabled.
PO Numbers on Standing Orders Displaying 1899 DateSelecting the PO number under certain circumstances made the date default to 30/12/1899.Based on the user selecting either past, current or future weeks, the PO number date is defaulted to week ending date for the week selected. The standing order form doesn’t have the PO number button enabled as expected.
Franchisee Delivery Allowance Stops Being CalculatedThe Franchisee delivery allowance stops being calculated when the invoices are being generated. This only happens once all customers on that Franchisee round have their customer record modified.After running the update statement below and performing the round end week, the delivery allowance successfully records the correct figures for the franchised URN.
update customer set commission_scheme_id = null where commission_scheme_id in (0,1).
Reorgansations – Set function TReorganisation.CheckDate on WeektypeUnable to schedule a reorganisation for week types of ‘4’.ParagonDMS successfully creates reorganisations for the week date based on the clients week type.
Add Purchasing to Feature ManagementAdd Purchasing to Feature management.The ‘Purchasing’ feature record has been added to the feature management form.
Instant Issue and Return CrashingClearing the issue or return quantities and saving the form crashes the app.The issue and return fields automatically default to 0 when removing the quantity and attempting to save the record.
Customer Browser Not Keeping Record BookmarkThe Customer Browser isn’t keeping the select record bookmarked after coming out of the Order or Modify Customer screens, the row selection reverts to the top of the grid.The customer browser form no longer loses focus when select a record, press either the customer order order modify customer form and returning to the customer browser screen.
Round options -> Handheld – Crashes if Promotion SelectedWhen selecting a Promotion in Round Options → Handhelds, and then closing and re-opening, paragon crashes.The application no longer crashes when selecting and closing/ reopening the round options – handheld screen.
Make Supplier Maintenance Visible Based on FeatureIn Menu, make the Supplier Maintenance form visible only if the Purchasing feature is switched on.The ‘Supplier Maintenance’ menu displays when the ‘Purchasing’ feature has been enabled and not visible when disabled.
Payment Ref Not Showing In Transaction HistoryThe payment reference that is being entered to the customer receipts screen is no longer showing in the transaction history on the customers account.
The problem seems to happen when pressing the enter key to save the payment instead of clicking the OK button. The Payment Ref isn’t being passed into the query to save it.
The customer receipt records are displaying successfully in the transaction history if the user types the amount and presses the ENTER key to confirm the customer receipt, or, clicks the ‘Save’ button.
Reorganisations – Selects Incorrect Round If Round Has No TitleWhen selecting a round (thats has no title) in any of the reorganisation moves, an incorrect Round is selected.Rounds that have no title are successfully selected under all reorganisation move types.
Products not on Price Scheme ReportA new report is required to show where a customer has had a product delivered which does not have a specific price in the customer’s price scheme.The price exception report displays products that were delivered but are not part of the price scheme for the current week.
Sales Report by Round Very Slow When GeneratingThe ‘Sales Report By Round’ was taking 30 minutes + to load.The company and site ‘Sales Report By Round’ report successfully loads in sub 10 seconds now. Previously, the report ran in 1 and a half minutes.
Credit Note – Delivery DateDisplay ‘Delivery Date’ on credit note report.Delivery date displays in the credit note report.
Make unit price on invoices VAT exclusive based on a System OptionSystem option in System Options – Printouts – Semi-Retail Invoices: “Show Unit Price VAT Exclusive”.
Setting this will change a System_Parameter : SEMIRETAIL INV UNIT PRICE VAT EXCLUSIVE to either yes or no.
The ‘Price (Ex VAT)’ column and figures are visible and calculated correctly when the semi-retail invoice system option ‘Show Unit Price VAT Exclusive’ is enabled.
Creamline ImportIncorporate Creamline in the import routine.Creamline has been added to the import routine.
Holiday Restart Cannot Be Amended When in Current WeekA warning message prevents a users from amending a restart for the current week.The users can successfully alter the restart date for the current week.
EDI Processing – Correct Email BottleneckWhen the edi ordering needs to send an email, check the email address works prior to sending the email. If not, send an email to the EDI ordering needs to send and email, but the email address is empty, the code references the support email address for awareness.
EFoodsEDI – Check Delivery Point Exists Prior to SavingEFoodsEDI – Check delivery point exists prior to saving an edi_order_line record.
Check it exists in Group_account_customer table.
The software has validation on whether the delivery point exists prior to saving the edi_order_line records.
It also checks it exists in group_account_customer table.
Barclays BACS ImporterWork on importing the Barclays export provided by Creamline.The Barclays importer successfully imports the file given by Creamline. Existing functionality around importing files against a different bank type prevents the file from getting imported, expected.
HSBC BACS ImporterIntroduce HSBC bank importer.ParagonDMS successfully imports HSBC files into the system.
Third Party Deliverer Send All Documents Crashes When Selecting a Date in the Previous MonthThe Third Party Deliverer Send All Documents crashes when selecting a date in the previous month. It will also freeze after closing the print preview.The Third Party Deliverer Send All Documents form no longer crashes when selecting any date.
Paragon Close Down Idle Timeout Kicking in when Sending InvoicesParagonDMS close the application whilst email invoices as the CLOSE PARAGON DELAY MINUTES value has been reached.ParagonDMS no longer close the application when emailing invoices and the CLOSE PARAGON DELAY MINUTES value in the database has been reached.
Debtors list report not displaying the correct date rangePrinting debtors list (monthly) report displays wrong date that was selected.Debtor list (monthly) report displays the date selected from the form.