EDI Invoicing for Enterprise FoodsA new ‘EDI Invoice Sending Method’ constant is required: 3 Enterprise Foods
New EDI Invoice Format
The EDI Invoice Format is a CSV with 8 columns, one per product per delivery date per URN.
The EDI Invoicing for Enterprise Foods successfully exports the CSV file based on the week ending date selected and only products that were invoiced for that week.
Typing Payment Date on Customer Receipt Crashes AppTyping a payment date that pre-dates the customer’s history crashes the app.ParagonDMS prevents the user from saving a date earlier than the history of the customer within the customer receipts form..
Shell_Change_Log Reports Customer.Delivery_Pattern_ID Instead of Delivery_Area.Delivery_Pattern_IDWhen adding or editing customers in ParagonDMS, the shell_change_log doesn’t store the correct delivery_pattern_id for support purposes.Adding or editing the customer form successfully stores the latest customer’s delivery_area.delivery_pettern_id.
Stock Overview ‘Intake’ Button Crashes AppWhen navigating to Site – Stock Control – Stock Overview – Intake, ParagonDMS crashes.The Adding Intake successfully display and no longer crashes the app.
‘Add Intake’ screen to be Filterable by SupplierCan we add a filter to the ‘Add Intake’ screen (Site – Stock Overview – Intake) so that it only shows products from a single supplier.The ‘All Supplier’ dropdown successfully filter the products based on the supplier assigned in the ‘Intake’ stock overview form.
Remove Movement History from Reports – Customers Moved In ReportRemove Movement History from Reports – Customers Moved In Report.
Adapt code to use customer_history table instead of movement_history table.
The ‘Customer Moved in Listing report successfully reports off of the customer_history data instead of the movement_history.
Within Modify Customer, add button to ‘Invoice’ tab to copy Delivery address to Invoice addressAdd a ‘Copy’ button to the Invoice tab which when clicked will copy the Delivery Details to the Invoice Details.The user can successfully copy the delivery address details to the invoice address when adding or editing a customer.
Payment Card Authorisation Virtue ProcessIntroduce pre card authorisation.YourMoo customers can use the pre card authorisation.
Remove Movement History from Reports – Customers Moved Out ReportRemove Movement History from Reports – Customers Moved Out Report.
Adapt code to use customer_history table instead of movement_history table.
The Moved In report successfully records the URNs that have been moved out of the selected round based on the select week ending date. The software retrieves the information from the customer_history table instead of the movement_history.
HSBC BACS Importer – New FormatChange the HSBC BACS import file to the new format.The new HSBC BACS import format processes successfully into ParagonDMS.
SQL Screen Reports Print Issue – Out of Bounds ErrorSQL Screen Reports Print issue – Out of bounds error when printing.The debtors list report successfully displays the right data and date on the report, based on the user choose the date from the form.
Missing Rounds From Stock Issue and ReturnsThe list of rounds default to show only the rounds that have deliveries on the Saturday and never changes because the code to populate the dropdown is only called on the Initialise of the form, so will never update the round list regardless of what day of the week you select.The Issues & Returns screen only displays the rounds from the ‘Go to Round’ dropdown list based on the round.delivery_pattern_id which has the delivery date selected from the form.
Delivery Date on all Invoices IncorrectlyThe delivery date is incorrectly shown in all invoices, but should only be the ad-hoc and credit notes.The ad-hoc invoice and credit note printouts successfully display the delivery date and the Monthly, Semi-Retail and Franchisee invoices do not.
Stripe – Add System Parameter RecordsAdd the following system_parameters for use with stripe:
The Stripe system_parameter records are stored in the database correctly and can successfully process a payment.
Stripe – Create new ‘Credit Card Payment’ form to use for sending stripe paymentsStripe – Create new ‘Credit Card Payment’ form to use for sending stripe payments, using the Strip Payments Class.Validation is this form is valid.
Stripe – Show on Menu (UAC – Access Rights)Card Payment button in Customer Browse should only be available if:
The ‘Card Payment’ button would only be visible is the DEVELOPMENT mode is on for development or testing purposes, or if the STRIPE CARD TERMINAL = ‘YES’ in the clients database.
Stripe – ‘Credit Card Payment’ FormIf client is CASHCURRENT, the Amount edit should contain the Total value, otherwise it should be the Amount outstanding value.If the client is ‘USING CASHCURRENT’, the card payment form will default the ‘Amount Paying’ field with the ‘Total’ value, otherwise the form will default to the ‘Outstanding’ value.
Stripe – Add Payment Record on Successful PaymentWhen a stripe payment is successful (and not in Test mode), then add a payment record to reflect the payment made.When completing a Stripe payment, the sl_transaction and payment records are created with the relevant data.
NTFN Reports Should be Queried From customer_history TableChange the SQL query for the NTFN listing report and customer information report to use the customer_history table.Both reports are querying the customer_history table.
Unable to Add Driver Message Due to Date WarningFrom the customers order screen, click Messages > New Message to Driver > Click Every day between the following dates (using the drop down calendar) select 19/02/2022 and when you go to add the to date the message “From date cannot be after the to date”, this message then keeps popping up when you try and change anything.The delivery date warning message only appears when the user attempts to add the driver message.
Help – About – Display Delivery Area TypeDisplay the Delivery Area Type in the Help->About screen so support can easily identify which type it is set to.The correct DELIVERY AREA TYPE is displayed in the Help – About menu.
Modify Customer Form: Postcode Field No Longer MandatoryModifying a customer’s postcode field so it’s blank and saving the changes doesn’t highlight to the user the postcode field needs to be entered.DELIVERY AREA TYPE of URN can successfully change and not have a postcode entered under the customer form for new or existing customers for super users.
For DELIVERY AREA TYPE POSTCODE or DEFINED, super users can successfully add and change the postcode, but only customers that haven’t got any orders. For existing customers that have orders, a warning message states that will have to change the postcode from the postcode reorganisation. the user will not be able to add or edit an existing customer with no postcode.
System Options – Round Defaults – No Delivery Days creates a loopIf you have no Delivery Days set in the Round Defaults you get a message to indicate that at least one delivery day must be set. If you OK this message, it immediately reappears ad infinitum.When creating a new installation the system_parameter DELIVERY PATTERN ID record is updated based on the user selecting delivery days from the installation form.
Email Outbox – Crash if number to send is blankThe number to send combo gets its default value from system parameter: EMAIL NUMBER TO SEND
If that param is missing, the inttostr falls over.
If the system_parameter EMAIL NUMBER TO SEND record isn’t in the clients database and the user attempts to send pending emails, the system_parameter record gets created and defaulted to All without crashing the app.
Round Options Changing Delivery Days ValidationCurrently, you cannot remove delivery days on a round within the options because they may have deliveries on them.
This should be a formal query of the delivery patterns within the round and if none use the day it can be removed from the rounds delivery days.
When a user tries to untick a round delivery day when there are orders (Standing orders or one off future orders) for customers in the round selected, the warning message successfully displays to prevent them from disabling it.
Repeating Payments no longer repeat during a customer holidayEven when the box is ticked to ensure the payment continues through a customer holiday, it does not.A payment is processed when a customer is on holiday and the ‘Generate on Holiday’ option is enabled.
Credit Note / Ad Hoc Invoice Decimal Places for Prices increasedWhen generating a credit note or ad-hoc invoice the client can only add prices to three decimal places but some of their products have four decimal places. Looking at the price table, the prices can have up to 5 decimal places but the credit note screen only allows three decimal places.The credit note and ad-hoc invoices forms and reports display the unit prices to 5 decimal places.
Remove Movement History – CustomerRemove Movement History from Reports – Customer.pasRegression tested reports and show the same information.
Goods Intake ReportThis report is designed to allow simple matching to a supplier invoice; the client can match the supplier invoice to the report and ensure they are being charged the correct amount. If the amount is incorrect, they can check the daily quantities to easily see whether a mistake has been made.The Good Intake report displays the products that have been assigned to suppliers under the company and site menus successfully.
Saving New Customer – Check / Complete stored procedure to save customer detailsSaving customers across multiple users causes the database tables to lock up.Saving customers at the same time with multiple users across multiple clients databases (Defined URNs, URNs different depending on the site, usual behaviour) and no longer locks up the application.
When printing an invoice from the transaction history screen with “Outstanding invoices only” get delivery_urn not foundGo into the transaction history screen and tick the box for outstanding invoices only. Then try to print one of the invoices and it crashes with ‘delivery_urn not found’.The Invoice report successfully displays when selecting the ‘Outstanding Invoices Only’ option.
Group Account Reporting CrashesIf group accounts don’t use URNs and if the URNs aren’t user defined then Paragon will crash when trying to access some of the Group Account reports.The group account report for group accounts that have and don’t have specific URNs successfully display the data in the grid and print the report.
Site ‘Paid in by Roundsman’ overview does not allow view of previous weeks’ datahe Site – Paid in By Roundman screen should have a date picker. When a previous week is selected it should show the same type of information as for the previous week but for the selected week. The data will always work for the full week in which the selected date sits.
The ‘Add’ and ‘Edit’ buttons should not be available for previous weeks.
The date picker has been introduced to the Site – Receipts – Paid in by Roundsman form. The user is able to select previous week ending dates and see the data for the selected date.
After a user has selected a previous week ending date, the ‘Add’ and ‘Edit’ button are greyed out and disabled, as expected.
Remove Movement History from Reports – Actively Served ReportRemove Movement History from Reports – Actively Served ReportThe Customers Actively Served (Grid) report successfully queries off of the customer_history table.
Remove Movement History from Reports – Semi Retail Account SummaryRemove Movement History from Reports – Semi Retail Account Summary.The Semi-Retail Account Summary report successfully queries off of the customer_history table.
shell_Log does not detail site stock correctlyThe shell log identifies Check Stock by depot but Stock Balanced indicates ‘Company Stock Balanced’ when each site balances stock; it should report the site name instead.The shell_log table successfully records the site name stock balanced in the description field for support purposes.
Today’s Orders: Out of Bounds Error When Selecting Dates Beyond Delivery DateWhen a user types a date that is greater than the defaulted date in the ‘Today’s Orders’ form, it crashes the app.If a user types in a date beyond the date that is defaulted in the ‘Today’s Orders’ form, the application no longer crashes.
YourMOO email reminder on 3 pages instead of 1When raising YourMOO Milk Statement reminder it overlaps onto 3 pages when producing the PDF that is attached to the emails
Company > YourMOO > Produce Email Reminders
The YourMOO Email Reminders reports successfully email the attached report to one page without have multiple copies of the data across 3 pages.
Company Menu Delivery Notes Not Displaying Product Quantities For Past Week DatePrinting company delivery notes prior to the week ending date doesn’t display the products and quantities.The company menu no longer allows the user to selected a delivery note prior to the company week ending date, and therefore no longer crashes the app.
Round Options: Save Invoice details for all rounds should allow saving to only rounds in the current siteIf a user is restricted to a single site, the save to all function should only change the rounds for the user’s site.
If the user has access to all sites, but the round list is filtered to a single site, the save to all function should only change the rounds on the filtered site.
If the user has access to all sites and the round list is not filtered, the save to all function should include a warning that this will impact rounds at all sites (as strongly as possible) and provide the current functionality to abort the save to all.
The round details are saved based on the users access to certain sites and which site is filtered.
Print Invoice Report Under Transaction History Crashes AppPrinting invoices from the transaction history form crashes the app.The invoice report correctly displays the invoice details of the URN and week ending date selected from the transaction history screen.
YourMOO Upload V2 Round Delivery Days problemClient has changed the delivery days for customers on a round and the new delivery days are not showing on yourmoo.YourMOO V2 successfully uploads the correct round.delivery_pattern_id, yourmoo_round.delivery_days, yourmoo_round.delivery_pattern_id, yourmoo_customer.deliver_* and customer.delivery_pattern_id and therefore displays on the product ‘Add to Order’ screen and ‘Deliveries’ screen in the YourMOO webpage.
Change CMS Online Customer Identification MethodChange the query for the ‘New Online Customers’ form to only find customers greater than 400000 and customer type is doorstep.The ‘New Online Customers’ form successfully filters the list of customers to be if they are greater than 400000 and if the customer_type_id = ‘1’ (Doorstep).
Changes to Enterprise EDI data file contentChange the Enterprise EDI export file format.We have agreed dev will not make anymore changes and the client is happy with the change.
Provide a Group Account version of the Semi-Retail Account SummaryNew group account summary form under company menu.This new Group Account Summary form and report displays the balance figures from the group account, as expected.
Remove Movement History from Reports – Customers with No Order / DeliveryRemove Movement History from Reports – Customers with No Order / DeliveryLooking at the ‘No Order/Delivery’ report, the latest version is displaying the correct results when searching for dates in the current week or in the past.
Stored Cards: Report ImprovementsCreate a new Stored Card Payments form.The ‘Stored Card Payments’ form records the correct the batch header and batch details records.
Provide Company level versions of Debtors List and Aged Debt reportsMoving Sales Ledger Debtor List and Aged Debt menus to company and site level.Debtors List and Aged Debt menus moved to company and site level.
Stored Cards: Modify Customer stored card detailsModifying a customer form to store card on file records in Paragon.Card stored on file records are in Paragon under the modify customer form.
Issues & Returns Options Crashes AppIssue Suggested and Return Difference buttons crash when selecting them from the stock control form.All of the issues and returns buttons successfully post the amount entered in the forms.