Assigning Third Party Deliverers Crashes AppAdding a new third party deliverer and assigning to a customer crashes the application.Assigning a third party deliverer under the Add or modify customer form are successfully saved and no longer crashes the application.
Add Total of Balance column to Aged Debt reportsThere is a Monthly and Weekly Aged Debt report, which initially provides a grid. This grid totals most of the columns but does not total the Amount column so users cannot easily see the total outstanding balance of all customers.
The reports should have this total added.
The aged debit (monthly) and aged debit (weekly) forms successfully display the amount totals.
Add ‘Payments Received’ Report to the Program Function to Restrict AccessRegardless of the user access level, users have the ability to print the ‘Payments Received’ (Company, Reports, Payments) report and therefore have access to customer’s payment information; this needs to be restricted.
Add a new program_function record:
id = automatic
description = ‘Payments Received Report’
sequence = next by increment
feature_id = 0
The ‘Payment Received Report’ program function allows the user to enable this feature to any user.
Third Party – Modify Customer Code breaks Route SequenceThe sequence of the third party deliverer customer URNs that are assigned to the route are different.The sequence of the customer URNs under the third party deliverers routes form is retained when changing customer details that are assigned to this route.
Virtue Payment Via Id column name wrongChange “Via_id” to “ViaId” i.e. remove the underscore, in the JSON file when virtue is recording the handheld information.Virtue now records the payment via_id value in the JSON file to viaid.
Delivery Sequence Modification Investigate Multi UserDelivery Screen Modification is apparently blank if there is another user (shell_object record ?) accessing the same Round.The delivery sequence modification form no longer crashes when one user is making a change to the delivery sequence form, and another is moving a customer(s) from the same round to another.
Handheld Maintenance – Modify – Cannot select/deselect Ask Driver End of DayIn Handheld Maintenance, Modify Handheld, When modifying a round:
The Ask Driver for End Of Day checkbox should only be visible and enabled when the associated round is using Daily Processing
In Handheld maintenance, Modify Handheld, When modifying a subset:
The Ask Driver for End Of Day checkbox should only be visible and enabled when the round associated with majority of customers in that subset is using Daily Processing
Otherwise, it should not be visible.
The ‘Ask Driver End of Day’ option is editable if the round assigned to the handheld has the ‘Use Daily Processing’ ticked.
Customer Delivery Days – Not always displayingDelivery Area Type – URN
Adding a new customer, or making changes to a customer:
if using CUST SPECIFIC DELIVERY DAYS then user may select which days to deliver, and add orders
if NOT using CUST SPECIFIC DELIVERY DAYS then user will see all available delivery days on the round available (though cannot change them in customer form) and may add orders for those days
Delivery Area Type – POSTCODE or DEFINED
Adding a new customer:
The user will not see the delivery days for a new customer. This is because those days are only determined once the customer is assigned a delivery area.
Making changes to a customer:
The user will see the delivery days available to that customer, but will not be able to change them.
The delivery days and order delivery days under the customer form work based on the clients delivery area types.
Add new Customers – Not saving Subset informationWhen adding a new semi-retail customer. And adding subsets to that new customers, the subset details are not stored.Adding new customers and assigning a subset under any customer type, the subset record has successfully been assigned.
Customer Browser and Customer Order URN search does not allow alpha characters with System Generated URNsIf system_parameter ‘URN USER DEFINED’ is set to ‘NO’ you cannot search for alpha characters in either the Customer Browser or Customer Order URN searches.Users can search for alpha URNs if the system_parameter ‘URN USER DEFINED’ = ‘NO’.
Note: The user will have to search for the full URN name.
Credit Note shows incorrect (rounded) VAT Exclusive Unit PricesCredit notes are not showing 5 decimal places on report.Credit Notes and Ad-Hoc Invoices correctly display the unit price to 5 decimal places on both the forms and reports.
HSBC BACS Importer – AppStream Message “File is not in the correct format”Importing HSBC banking file updating incorrect from and to dates.The HSBC importer processes and validated the banking records correctly.