What is Paragon Virtue

“Paragon Virtue” is an important part of the Paragon Software, it is a Windows service that will be running in the background on the same computer as the Database Engine.

In a single computer installation the Database Engine, the two Windows services “Paragon Virtue” and “Paragon Isis” and the desktop (client) application “Paragon DMS” all run on the same physical Windows PC.

In a multi-user installation the Database Engine and the services run on a Server computer and then the “Paragon DMS” application runs on several workstation PC’s and accesses the Database across a Local Area Network (LAN).

“Paragon Virtue” performs several background tasks often called batch processes ether on a schedule or on demand. It is important that Virtue is operational to at least perform a daily “Housekeeping” task, that prunes the Database and is allowed time to perform a daily “Backup” snapshot of the Database.

Virtue also is responsible for communications between the Paragon system installed on a company’s LAN (on site) and the YourMOO system that is in the cloud.

Virtue is also responsible for handling communications between the Handheld devices and the base system, i.e. the Start and End Session procedures.

Because it is so important that Virtue is running in the background there are two fail safes. The first is another service called “Paragon Isis” which listens for a heartbeat from Virtue every 5 minutes. If this heartbeat has stopped Isis will attempts to restart Virtue. The other indication is that the desktop application will also check on the heartbeat and if there is a problem the Dairydata logo on the left of the main window will change to red indicating a problem.

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