
This is a work in progress.

A round is a set of Customers that are delivered together usually using one vehicle and driver. The Delivery Sequence is defined in the system so that Roundsbooks can be produced showing what is to be delivered each day. Alternatively a round of customers can be downloaded to a Handheld device.

Round Codes

Paragon can either use numbers or letters to identify Delivery Rounds (Runs). The client must decide which method to use when the system is installed.

There is a limit of up to 99 numeric rounds, or 26 rounds (A to Z) per Paragon installation.

It is not possible to mix identifiers.

Road Map: Work is underway to remove the current limitations on Round identifiers. There will be an unlimited number of Rounds per installation, and Round descriptions can be duplicated to handle the situation when two sites both have a Round 1. This should be available in version 2.71 by January 2018.

New Round

Before adding a new round to the system determine what identifying code will be used. If the Vehicles feature is in use, do not forget to check to see if the new round needs to be added as a new vehicle. It is also important to plan when to bring the round online.

Scenario 1

Round is part of a new installation and there are no existing rounds that have already ended a week.  The round can be brought online at anytime before the first delivery date, once all the Customers and Standing Orders have been entered.

Scenario 2

The system has existing rounds, but the new round will be made from brand new calls, this is usually the case when either a new area has been canvassed or another business has been bought. The new customers need to entered with there Standing Orders before the first delivery date. The round is brought online after the week ending procedure has been run (its either after one or after all other rounds) proceeding the first delivery date. This is to ensure that the new round starts in the correct week, and invoices are not generated to early.

Scenario 3

The system has existing rounds, but the new round will be made up of existing customers from other rounds, this is usually the case when canvassing has increased the size of several rounds to the point that reorganisation is required. It is not possible to bring an empty round online, so a dummy customer with no order will need to be added. Then bring the round online at the week end, but do not go as far as the Depot Week End so that customers may be Moved from Round to Round.

Dairydata has written 81 articles

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