What’s New


Initial release May 2017 stores the Standing, Weekly and Forward Orders in the MySQL database, replaces the Forward Order system with Variable Delivery Patterns. Roll out started in January 2018.

1 The ‘Repeating Forward Orders’ facility has been removed and replaced by the ‘Variable Delivery Pattern’ facility. See How to use Variable Delivery Pattern.
2 When displaying Orders for Future Weeks and there is a holiday, Paragon used to still show the quantities from the Standing Order. It does not do this now: for any days that the customer is on holiday all the quantities will be zero. If the holiday is removed (even if it affects the current week) the quantities will be reinstated to as they were before the holiday was added.
3 When displaying Orders for This Week or Future Weeks, the quantities are shown in red if they are different to the standing order
4 When displaying Orders for Past Weeks, only products that were actually delivered are now shown. A System Option has been added to allow all products that are on the Standing Order to be shown.
5 The roundcode can now be 3 digits. If multiple sites are being used, a roundcode now only has to be unique within each site, so the same roundcode can be used at different sites.
6 There can now be up to 9999 different products. Previously the restriction was 999.
7 The ability to print Doorstep Invoices for a Customer Subset has been added
8 The ability to print a Linear Roundsbook showing only customers that are to have a delivery (regardless of the customer type) has been added
9 New System Options to suppress Driver Messages on the Linear Roundsbook. There are 2 options: one for when printing all customers and another for when printing any kind of Changes Only Roundsbook
10 When running a Loading Schedule for a Customer Subset there is a new Option to Include Customers that were in the subset on the delivery date (the default) or customers that are currently in the subset
11 If the Pricing Schemes feature is in use, when Standard and Semi-Retail Prices are increased the increases are applied to customers who have individual prices. A facility has been added to allow this to happen or not. This facility has to be enabled using a new option on the Pricing tab of the System Options screen.
12 The count of customers on a round at the bottom of the Customers screen and at the top of the screen used for moving customers to another round now only includes customers currently on the round, whereas it previously included those who were on the round in the previous week as well. This means that when moving customers to another round, a customer will be able to be moved onto the destination round until there are 999 active customers on that round.
13 The restriction of only being able to move a customer to another round once in a week has been removed. You can only move customers after the Round Endweek and before the Depot Endweek, however it is possible to move a customer again if it is accidently moved to the wrong round.
14 In all places that cheque details are entered the sequence of the fields has been standardised as Cheque Number, Sort Code and Account Number. When the Cheque Number and Sort Code have been completely entered the cursor will automatically move to the next field.
15 Endweek processing should be significantly faster.
16 Bank Statement importer for Santander.
17 Weekly Delivery Report.
18 Depot NTFN Report, can be Delivery Order sequence.
19 Balancing on the last day of week can now be done before the End Of Week.
20 Direct Debits can be processed for Calendar Monthly Customers.
21 Collection Sheet, in the Invoice Frequency column, show Y for YourMOO customers and DD for customers paying by Direct Debit.
21 Franchisee Accounts are no longer attached to a Round.


Initial release September 2018 complete rewrite of Stock Control module so the MySQL database is used. Roll out started in January 2019.

1 Round Stock Control rewritten to use MySQL database.
2 Depot Stock Control rewritten to use MySQL database.See Stock Position at some time in the past.  

Transfer In and Transfer Out columns for multiple sites.

Weekly Stock figures.

3 Stock Control will now handle decimal quantities.
4 Bank Statement importer, added support for NatWest and Isle of Man Bank.
5 Delivery Report for a Group Account.
6 Discount Report.
7 Actively Served Report.
8 Not Served Report.
9 Customers Added Report.
10 Sage Export, address fields are consistently mapped.
11 Debit/Credit Card Payments to be collected by a roundsman.
12 Calendar Monthly Invoices are now generated using a separate process for better compatibility with Direct Debit module.

Version point releases

Paid in by Roundsman multiple times a day
Banking per Site
Franchisee improvements.
Stock Control – Closing/Current Stock column
Bug fixes and preparation for new enhancement
Online Invoices
26 Nov
Debtors List (Sales Ledger) can be configured to show a variable number of weeks. For example 13 instead of the original 4.
When running the report the user is prompted to enter the date the report was last run, and an additional column then shows how much each account has paid since that date.

VAT Bands, we have increased the number of allowed bands from 9 to 127.
5 Nov
Bug fixes
21.00 24 Oct 2019Third Party Deliverers – Ability to remove a customer from the list.

YourMOO Order Changes Report now handles Standing Order changes and Removed Holidays.
17 Oct 2019
Depot Charged Report, handles Franchisee rounds

Balance Report, split for Organisation and Franchisee

Debt sheet, removed some column totals as they mislead

EDI Orders – An unprocessed line can be removed with the UI

Gallonage Report has a breakdown by URN option
19 Sept 2019
Customer Receipts (Payments) improved UI, remembers last date entered and prevents dates in the future. Payment Method shortcut keys

Handheld Transaction report improved
20 Aug 2019
ESOP Orders Listing available from Orders Today screen

Multi Rounds End of Week

Balance report and Franchisee Invoice handle Savings

Backup and Restore can cope with MySQL Database on Linux OS

25 Jul
Customer Browser – Shortcut keys F5 for URN entry and F12 for Customer Receipt

16 July 2019
Bespoke work for two new clients

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